The Way Forward

Like many others since, when Isaiah the prophet saw the peril of God’s people, his instinctive response was to call on the Lord for Divine intervention. Isaiah could see that only almighty God could save his nation from a disaster of their own making. Having rejected God, their society was unraveling through moral anarchy and spiritual chaos and confusion. Externally, the changing geopolitical situation meant that the security of their nation was under dire threat from external and implacable foes. 

When the spiritual tide was well and truly out, Isaiah begged the Lord to ‘tear open the heavens and come down.’ Isaiah pleaded with God to step down into history to revive his people and awaken them to their need for Him.

Oh, that You would rend the heavens! 

That You would come down! 

That the mountains might shake at Your presence
— Isaiah 64:1

Josh . Josh .

Overcoming Feelings of Disempowerment

One of the important signs of the times we are living in is a widespread sense of impotence and disempowerment. In previous decades, people were told that they could change the world. Now, there is a feeling that no one is listening and that the opinions of the individual citizen no longer matter…

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Josh . Josh .

Learning to Call on the Lord

Every revival and awakening in history began in prayer—and there is a reason for this. The pattern of past revivals shows that it is when people found themselves in situations for which there was no human remedy or solution, that it was then that they began to pray and call on the Lord and ask for his help.

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Josh . Josh .

Re-digging the Ancient Wells

Throughout the Bible, the Lord calls His people to remember what He has done in the past to create faith that will enable Him to do another mighty work in the present. We should be encouraged that the Lord has visited His people with revival many times before and He can do it again.

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Josh . Josh .

The Need For An Overflow!

As wonderful as the living water was that Jesus spoke about to the Samaritan woman, he later spoke of an even more wonderful provision for our spiritual growth and development. Taking the imagery of water even further, He explained in John’s gospel that as believers drank living water from the ancient wells, they would experience an overflow of spiritual life to others.

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Can It Happen Again?

An article written in 2012 and published in the Baptist Together magazine that recounts the Prayer Call of 1784 that resulted in the Second Great Awakening. Recalling this mighty move of God asks the question Can it Happen Again?

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The Necessity of Secret Prayer - David Wilkerson Sermon

An excellent motivator to encourage believers to commence and nurture a daily quiet time with the Lord.

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My House Shall Be Called a House of Prayer - Ps. Jim Cymbala

This classic presentation on the centrality of prayer to the Christian walk reminds us that God’s intention was that His house would be a house of prayer.

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When God Stepped Down From Heaven - Duncan Campbell

This account of the 1949-1953 Hebrides Revival from Duncan Campbell (1898- 1972) who was mightily used by God in this revival.

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Asbury College Revival 1940

This video tells the story of the 1970 Asbury College Revival.

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Asbury College Revival Prayer Movement

The Story behind the prayer movement that preceded the Asbury College Revival in 1970.

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