Overcoming Feelings of Disempowerment

One of the important signs of the times we are living in is a widespread sense of impotence and disempowerment. In previous decades, people were told that they could change the world. Now, there is a feeling that no one is listening and that the opinions of the individual citizen no longer matter. Something has changed. Although we live in a democracy, our politicians and bureaucrats no longer represent the aspirations of the people they represent. Increasingly the important decisions are made by political elites who are invested in their agenda. Despite, for example, the fact that the majority of the population still believes in God, their voice is ignored in favor of a minority who have invested in a secularist vision for our world.

These same feelings of disempowerment have now permeated the church so that even believers have little or no expectation of the Lord stepping down into the present situation to turn the tide of godlessness. 

In previous generations, believers would cry out to God in times of crisis, whereas today, they are frequently held captive by their feelings of disempowerment. The all-pervasive message of secularism has cast a shadow of a doubt as to whether God is either willing or able to help. 

The good news is that it is often at the darkest times that God chooses to work. It is the very darkness and ungodliness itself that motivates believers to cry out to God and seek His help. It is for this reason that the process of revival has already begun with a growing number of people calling on the Lord for His help to turn the spiritual tide at this time.


Learning to Call on the Lord